3.6 Questions
Approximately how many elements can FAAS be used to analyze?
Approximately how many elements can ICP-AES or ICP-MS be used to analyze?
Why can ICP be used to analyze more elements than FAES?
Why is acid added to all samples during sampling or for sample digestion in FAAS, FAES, and ICP analysis?
Draw and explain how a Rowland circle of PMTs is used in ICP-AES.
Explain the purpose and operation of the nebulizer in the ICP.
What is the most common type of nebulizer in ICP?
List all of the types of sample introduction to plasma.
What is a plasma?
What is ohmic heating?
Write a detailed discussion explaining how an ICP plasma is “light” and maintained.
Explain the name “inductively coupled plasma.”
Why does the plasma not melt the instrument? How is it cooled?
Explain the three zones present in the plasma.
Contrast the separation of wavelengths by the two different systems in Figures 3-7 and 3-8.
List and explain the types of interferences in ICP-AES.
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