To print a graph from Fate:
For a PC:
-select the printable version of your plot (lower right portion of the screen)
-place the cursor over the plot at the desired x and y coordinates
-hold the alt key down and press print screen
-open your print or photoshop program
-paste the Fate graph in your program by holding down the control key and press the letter v
-save or print the file as usual
For a Mac:
-select the printable version of your plot
-hold down the shift and open apple key and press the number 4. This will place a cross-hair symbol on your screen. Position the cross-hair symbol in the upper right corner of your plot, click the cursor and drag the cross-hair symbol over the area to be printed or saved, release the cursor when you have selected the complete image. A file will appear on your desktop as picture 1.
-open the file with preview or any image processing file and print it as usual.