MATH 300, Spring 2004
Linear Algebra
Course description: This course will introduce the basic concepts of Linear Algebra, to include vector spaces, linear transformations, matrix algebra, determinants, diagonalization, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, inner product spaces, and canonical forms. This course will focus primarily on the mathematical aspects of linear algebra, with some time devoted towards applications from economics, physics, biology, and chemistry.
Instructor: Dr. Barry Balof
Office: 236 Olin Hall
Location: 220 Olin Hall Time: MWF 1-1:50
Textbook: Linear Algebra, 4th Ed., by Friedberg, Insel, and Spence
Homework: Homework will be posted here
As a courtesy to the grader, please staple your homework.
Your two lowest daily assignment grades will be dropped in figuring your final grade.
Tests: This class will have three exams as well as the final.
First exam: February 11th
Second exam: March 10th
Third exam: April 26th
Grading: Grading will be on a roughly 90-80-70 scale, with grades apportioned as follows:
Midterm Examinations |
20% each |
Final Examination |
25% |
Homework Assignments |
15% |
Honor Principle: Students are encouraged to discuss the weekly homework assignments with each other and to work together on the course material, however, the work that you turn in must be your own. NO COPYING FROM ANY SOURCE. No collaboration of any kind is permitted on the examinations.
Special Needs: Any student with a disability for whom special accommodations would be helpful is encouraged to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.