MATH 472, Spring 2004

Graph Theory and Partially Ordered Sets


Course description: This course will introduce the basic concepts of graph theory to include cycles, trees, Eulerian and Hamiltonian circuits, networks and flows, coloring problems and the chromatic polynomial, connectivity and matchings. We will also work on introductory partially ordered set theory.

Instructor: Dr. Barry Balof

Office: 236 Olin Hall

Location: 220 Olin Hall Time: Monday 10AM, Wednesday and Friday at 11AM

Textbook: Intro. to Graph Theory, 4th ed., by Robin J. Wilson

Homework: Homework will be posted here
Homework will be assigned daily and collected weekly. In addition, you are to keep a journal of your progress in the course that will be collected periodically throughout the term. More details on the journal will be given in class.

LATE HOMEWORK WILL INCUR A SUBSTANTIAL PENALTY. I will drop one low homework score.

Tests: This class will have one exam, one final exam, and a final project. The midterm will be a take-home, during the week before Spring Break

Grading: Grading will be on a roughly 90-80-70 scale, with grades apportioned as follows:
Midterm Examination 25%
Final Examination 30%
Homework Assignments 20%
Final Project 15%
Journal 10%

Academic Honesty: Students are encouraged to discuss the weekly homework assignments with each other and to work together on the course material, however, the work that you turn in must be your own. NO COPYING FROM ANY SOURCE. No collaboration of any kind is permitted on the examinations.

Special Needs: Any student with a disability for whom special accommodations would be helpful is encouraged to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.

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