Epistemology Links


Philosophical Dictionary - Brief explanations of many philosophical terms and concepts.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Moderate-length articles, written by professionals, introducing assorted philosophical views, issues, and concepts. Not all of the planned entries have been completed yet, but there's still a lot here that's useful. Some of the relevant entries include:

The Epistemology Research Guide - A large page of resources related to contemporary epistemology, maintained by a professor in Louisiana.

The Epistemology Page - A variety of materials and links, maintained by a professor at Yale.

Roger Ebert's review of "Vanilla Sky" - There are some really interesting and useful points toward the end. WARNING: Don't read this unless you've already seen the movie!

Andy Klein's analysis of "Memento" - This is a fascinating and very detailed discussion.
WARNING: Don't read this unless you've already seen the movie!

Pictures of shadows on snow: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
(see Pollock & Cruz, pp. 58-61)

In case you're curious, here are the home pages of most of the authors included in the syllabus:

Please e-mail clearfms[at]whitman[dot]edu if you find any broken links
or have suggestions for links to add. Thanks!

this page last updated August 19, 2011