Punishment & Responsibility

skip to: [ general reference ] [ history ] [ government data ]
[ capital punishment ] [ other punishments ] [ authors' websites ]

General Reference

Here are three pages maintained by a professor at NYU that should be very helpful to students new to philosophy:

Philosophical Dictionary - Brief explanations of many philosophical terms and concepts.

Glossary of Legal Terms - Maintained by the U.S. Federal Court system.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Moderate-length articles, written by professionals, introducing assorted philosophical views, issues, and concepts. Not all of the planned entries have been completed yet, but there's still a lot here that's useful. Some of the relevant entries include:


Crime and Punishment in the Ancient World - Brief explanations of the practices of a variety of ancient cultures.

Jeremy Bentham, "The Rationale of Punishment" - One of the classic texts of a utilitarian approach to punishment.

Government Data

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics - Data compiled from a wide variety of sources, about nearly every aspect of American criminal justice. Hosted by SUNY-Albany and supported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Bureau of Justice Statistics - Gateway to governmental statistics on incarceration rates, capital punishment, crime rates, prosecution, etc.

National Crime Victimization Survey - A detailed annual survey indicating who was victimized, by whom, and in what ways.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - The main government site concerned with juvenile justice, with links to a variety of resources.

Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty Information Center - A non-profit organization with a wide array of facts, reports, analyses, and links on issues concerning capital punishment.

Death Penalty Links - A site with over 1000 links addressing all aspects of capital punishment. Maintained by the Prosecutor's Office in Clark County, IN.

Pro Death Penalty - Information, argumentation, and other resources presented in support of capital punishment.

Campaign to End the Death Penalty - Information, argumentation, and other resources presented in opposition to capital punishment.

Other Types of Punishment

Prison Mega-Links - A page of dozens of links addressing a wide range of prison-related issues. Maintained by Tom O'Connor, a professor of criminal justice at Austin Peay.

The Sentencing Project - A non-profit oranization "which promotes reduced reliance on incarceration and increased use of more effective and humane alternatives to deal with crime."

World Corporal Punishment Research - "Over 2,000 pages of factual documentation and resources on corporal punishment around the world."

Restorative Justice Online - "Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by criminal behaviour. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that include all stakeholders."

Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking - Part of the University of Minnesota School of Social Work.

Websites of Authors Read in PHIL 177

Please e-mail clearfms[at]whitman[dot]edu if you find any broken links
or have suggestions for links to add. Thanks!

this page last updated August 9, 2011