%Experiment, Chapter 6: Transition to Chaos % % This script records the asymptotic behavior of the orbit of 0 under the % quadratic map for 1000 values of c between -2 and 1/4. % % To find the asymptotic behavior, we iterate 500 times before recording % the orbit, then we'll record the next 200 points. Altogether, we will % construct an array that is 1000 x 200. A=zeros(1000,200); c=linspace(-2,1/4,1000)'; x=0; for j=1:500 x=x.^2+c; %Remember, this is an assignment, not equality end %Now record and plot for j=1:200 A(:,j)=x.^2+c; x=A(:,j); end plot(A,'.'); clear x j c