{VERSION 5 0 "IBM INTEL NT" "5.0" } {USTYLETAB {CSTYLE "Maple Input" -1 0 "Courier" 0 1 255 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 }{CSTYLE "" -1 256 "" 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } {PSTYLE "Normal" -1 0 1 {CSTYLE "" -1 -1 "Times" 1 12 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 }1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 }} {SECT 0 {EXCHG {PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 0 "" }}{PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 61 "In this worksheet, we show how to get numerical solutions to " }{TEXT 256 20 "systems of equations" }{TEXT -1 183 " and show how to p lot the different graphs that might be of interest. This is an exampl e of competing species (x and y are populations of animals that compet e for the same resources)" }}{PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 0 "" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 8 "restart;" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 " " {MPLTEXT 1 0 14 "with(DEtools):" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 50 "de1:=diff(x(t),t)=2*x(t)*(1-(1/2)*x(t))-x(t)*y(t);" } }}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 52 "de2:=diff(y(t),t)=3*y(t)*( 1-(1/3)*y(t))-2*x(t)*y(t);" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 134 "DEplot([de1,de2],[x(t),y(t)],t=-1..6,x=0..4,y=0..4,[[x(0)=0.3,y(0 )=1],[x(0)=2,y(0)=1],[x(0)=2,y(0)=3]],stepsize=0.05,linecolor=black); " }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 116 "A:=DEplot([de1,de2],[x (t),y(t)],t=0..15,x=0..4,y=0..4,[[x(0)=2,y(0)=2.5]],stepsize=0.05,scen e=[t,x],linecolor=blue):" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 115 "B:=DEplot([de1,de2],[x(t),y(t)],t=0..15,x=0..4,y=0..4,[[x(0)=2,y( 0)=2.5]],stepsize=0.05,scene=[t,y],linecolor=red):" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 12 "with(plots):" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 41 "display(\{A,B\},title=\"Competing Species\");" }}} {EXCHG {PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 54 "Solve for equilibrium solutions (d x/dt=0 and dy/dt=0):" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 54 "eqn s:=\{2*x*(1-(1/2)*x)-x*y=0,3*y*(1-(1/3)*y)-2*x*y=0\};" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "> " 0 "" {MPLTEXT 1 0 18 "solve(eqns,\{x,y\});" }}}{EXCHG {PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 0 "" }}{PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 279 "The firs t equilibrium corresponds to both populations dying. The second corre sponds to population x taking control, pop. y dying off. The opposite is true for the third case, and in the final case, we have \"Utopia\" . Locate these points in the direction field (our first plot)." }} {PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 0 "" }}{PARA 0 "" 0 "" {TEXT -1 0 "" }}}} {MARK "0 1 2" 183 }{VIEWOPTS 1 1 0 1 1 1803 1 1 1 1 }{PAGENUMBERS 0 1 2 33 1 1 }