Slides for the talk
GIF - 38 students
One student- 64 poses
Reconstruction of person 38
(Not in the data used to construct the basis).
Reconstruction of a Mystery Photo!
Data and Matlab script used to create the images
The data is "allFaces2.mat" (Matlab format, about 56 MB)
Matlab script: EigenfaceExample.m
Python script: EigenfaceExample.py
Mystery Recon (as a single photo)
Homework on Eigenfaces
Old Videos that may be helpful
(Video) Matlab and Eigenfaces (abt 30 min- Sorry!)
(Video) Python and Eigenfaces (you don't need to watch both Matlab and Python versions)
(About 20 minutes).
(Video) Short video introducing the HW on Octave.
(Video) Homework help for Friday's stuff (#1-3).