%% Growing Neural Gas Script File %Load in the data set in X (number of points by dimension, or ROW-WISE) % %load CirclesData; %This is a data file on the class website, CirclesData.mat % % load SixDatasets % X=XX{3}; % clear XX; % % load obstacle1 X=A; clear A; % Initialization: % MaxIters=10000; %Maximum number of iterations MaxAge=100; %Maximum age for edges between centers MaxCenters=40; %Maximum number of centers allowed NumCenters=5; Lambda=300; %For Center Insertion ew=0.05; %Parameters for updating centers "Epsilon for winner" en=0.0006; alpha=0.5; %Parameters for dealing with Error beta=0.0005; [numX,dimX]=size(X); temp=randperm(numX); %Normally, initialize centers as data points fprintf('Using Centers %d %d \n',temp(1),temp(2)); C=X(temp(1:NumCenters),:); %Matrix of centers M=ones(NumCenters,NumCenters)-eye(NumCenters); %Matrix of connections Age=zeros(NumCenters,NumCenters); %Matrix of ages of connections E=zeros(1,NumCenters); %For distortion error for j=1:MaxIters % % Pick one data point at random, find distances to centers % k=ceil(rand*numX); P=edm(X(k,:),C); [vals,idx]=sort(P); % % Update the Error % w=idx(1); s=idx(2); % w for winner, s for second in line E(w)=E(w)+ew*(vals(1)^2); % Update distortion error for cluster w % % Update the centers % C(w,:)=C(w,:)+ew*(X(k,:)-C(w,:)); idx=find(M(w,:)==1); % M has the connections. if length(idx)>0 C(idx,:)=C(idx,:)+en*(repmat(X(k,:),length(idx),1)-C(idx,:)); end % % Age the existing connections % Age(w,idx)=Age(w,idx)+1; Age(idx,w)=Age(idx,w)+1; Age=Age-diag(diag(Age)); %Sets age along the diagonal to zero. % % Be sure there is a connection between the current winner and the % second closest center. % M(w,s)=1; M(s,w)=1; Age(w,s)=0; Age(s,w)=0; % % If an edge is too old, disconnect the centers: % AA=Age(:); MM=M(:); idx=find(AA>MaxAge); if length(idx)>0 AA(idx)=zeros(length(idx),1); Age=reshape(AA,NumCenters,NumCenters); MM(idx)=zeros(length(idx),1); M=reshape(MM,NumCenters,NumCenters); end clear AA MM % % If a center is not connected to anything by an edge, remove it. % - Corresponds to a zero row (or column) temp=sum(M,2); idx=find(temp==0); if length(idx>0) %Remove empty centers fprintf('Removing empty centers\n'); C(idx,:)=[]; M(idx,:)=[]; M(:,idx)=[]; Age(idx,:)=[]; Age(:,idx)=[]; E(idx)=[]; end % % If j is a multiple of Lambda, and we have not reached the max number % of centers, add a new center % if mod(j,Lambda)==0 fprintf('Adding a new center\n'); % % Find the center with largest error % [vals,idx]=max(E); % % Insert a new center as the midpoint of the winner and its % neighbor % w=idx(1); idx=find(M(w,:)==1); [vals,idx2]=max(E(idx)); w2=idx(idx2(1)); %fprintf('Adding a center between centers %d and %d\n',w,w2); NumCenters=NumCenters+1; C(NumCenters,:)=0.5*(C(w,:)+C(w2,:)); E(w)=alpha*E(w); E(w2)=alpha*E(w2); E(NumCenters)=alpha*E(w); % % Connect the new center in, reset ages, delete old connection % M(w,w2)=0; M(w2,w)=0; M=[M,zeros(NumCenters-1,1)]; M=[M;zeros(1,NumCenters)]; M(w,NumCenters)=1; M(NumCenters,w)=1; M(w2,NumCenters)=1; M(NumCenters,w2)=1; Age(w,w2)=0; Age(w2,w)=0; Age=[Age,zeros(NumCenters-1,1)]; Age=[Age;zeros(1,NumCenters)]; end % % Decrease all errors by beta % E=(1-beta)*E; % % Stopping Criteria here % NumCenters=length(E); if NumCenters>=MaxCenters fprintf('Maximum Number of Centers Reached\n'); break end if mod(j,20)==0 plotNG pause(0.1) end end