function C=NeuralGas01(X,C) %FUNCTION C=NeuralGas(X,C) % This is the Neural Gas clustering algorithm. There are % two ways to call this program: % [C,M]=NeuralGas(X); % X is dimension by (number of points) % With only one input argument, the program will % use the function initng.m for the initialization % procedures, and train the network. % % [C,M]=NeuralGas(X,C) % With two input parameters, we assume the centers % have been initialized in the structure C. See the % initng file for structure specifications. %We will use the following as the current update parameters: % lr = current learning rate % nbr= current neighborhood size (lambda) % t = current time setting (for connection matrix) %INITIALIZATION: if nargin==1 %use the initng function if only 1 input C=initng(X); end [m,n]=size(X) %Dimension is m, number of points is n [m,numcenters]=size(C.cen);; nbr=C.nbr(1); if C.tflag t=C.tcon(1); Age=zeros(numcenters,numcenters); end %MAIN LOOP: for j=1:C.epochs for k=1:C.tmax if rem(k,1000)==0 disp('iterate ='); disp(k) disp('out of') disp(C.tmax) %Graphical updates: clf plotng01(C); hold on plot(X(1,:),X(2,:),'k.'); plot(C.cen(1,:),C.cen(2,:),'r*'); hold off drawnow; end %**************************************************** % % Step 1: Choose a data point at random and compute % distance vector. % %**************************************************** curidx=ceil(n*rand); Nx=X(:,curidx); D=(C.cen - repmat(Nx,1,numcenters)).^2; dd=sum(D); [Md,w]=min(dd); D=(C.cen - repmat(C.cen(:,w),1,numcenters)).^2; dd=sum(D); [Md,Id]=sort(dd); %******************************************************** % % Step 2: Update all centers and training parameters % %********************************************************* for s=1:numcenters aa=lr*exp(-(s-1)/nbr); C.cen(:,Id(s))=C.cen(:,Id(s))+aa*(X(:,curidx)-C.cen(:,Id(s))); end lr=paramUpdate(,k,C.tmax); nbr=paramUpdate(C.nbr,k,C.tmax); %************************************************************ % % Step 3: If necessary, update Connection matrix and Time. % %************************************************************ if C.tflag ab=Id(2); C.M(w,ab)=1; Age(w,ab)=0; Ix=find(C.M>0); Age(Ix)=Age(Ix)+1; Iy=find(Age>=t); C.M(Iy)=0; t=paramUpdate(C.tcon,k,C.tmax); end %End of time and connection update end %End of C.tmax (k) loop end %End of C.epochs (j) loop