Notes about running the n-armed bandit program
This is an exercise to get you accustomed to running Matlab.
- First, download the files "banditE.m" and "driverBanditE.m"
from our class website. Be sure to right-click the mouse on
the link and choose "Save Link As..." Then navigate
to the folder that you're using for this- It doesn't matter
which folder you use, just be consistent (the command window
should show that you're in the same directory- If you're not
there, navigate using the "..." button at the top of the window
next to the "Current Directory" button.
- Once you've downloaded the files, you should open the editor
to take a look at the commands that will be executed. The files
should be identical to pages 33-34 of the text.
- Run the driver program by typing (in the command window):
Notice that you should not type the ".m" part of the filename.
- That's it! Running that should create the picture. Try
changing some of the parameters in driverBanditE.m to see what