function plotcell(net,data,Names) %function plotcell(net,data,Names) % A plotting routine for the taxonomy problem %illustrating Kohonen's SOM. The network should % be a 10 x 10 gridtop % % Input: net= SOM network % data= 13x16 matrix of taxonometric data % Names=text array labeling the data % Output: placement of the data name next to the cell % for which it is active x=sim(net,data); figure(1); axis([0 11 0 11]); for i=1:100 idx=find(x(i,:)==1); a=fix(i/10); b=rem(i,10); if i==1 hold on end for j=1:length(idx) text(a+0.3*randn,b+0.3*randn,Names{idx(j)}); end end hold off