function NetParams = rbfOLS(X,T,Goal,MaxNeurons) % Modification of Matlab built-in newrb. % Simplifications: Must use Gaussian transfer function % Spread is a default value. % The output will be the weights and centers. % % X, T are dim x numpts [r1,c1]=size(X); [r2,c2]=size(T); if c1~=c2 error("Dimension mismatch in rbfOLS. Data should be dim x numpts"); end [C,b1,W,b,tr] = OLS(X,T,Goal,1,MaxNeurons); spr=b1(1); W=W'; b=b'; NetParams.C=C; %Centers for the RBF: dim x numcenters NetParams.W=W; %Weights: out dim x in dim NetParams.b=b; % bias: out dim NetParams.spr=spr; %Spread (actually, the reciprocal of spread); % Training error end %====================================================== function [w1,b1,w2,b2,tr] = OLS(p,t,eg,sp,mn) [r,q] = size(p); [s2,q] = size(t); b = sqrt(-log(.5))/sp; % RADIAL BASIS LAYER OUTPUTS P = radbas1(dist(p',p)*b); PP = sum(P.*P)'; d = t'; dd = sum(d.*d)'; % CALCULATE "ERRORS" ASSOCIATED WITH VECTORS e = ((P' * d)' .^ 2) ./ (dd * PP'); % PICK VECTOR WITH MOST "ERROR" pick = findLargeColumn(e); used = []; left = 1:q; W = P(:,pick); P(:,pick) = []; PP(pick,:) = []; e(:,pick) = []; used = [used left(pick)]; left(pick) = []; % CALCULATE ACTUAL ERROR w1 = p(:,used)'; a1 = radbas1(dist(w1,p)*b); [w2,b2] = solvelin2(a1,t); a2 = w2*a1 + b2*ones(1,q); MSE = mse(t,a2); tr(1) = mse(t,repmat(mean(t,2),1,q)); %Tracking error tr(2) = MSE; iterations = min(mn,q); for k = 2:iterations % CALCULATE "ERRORS" ASSOCIATED WITH VECTORS wj = W(:,k-1); a = wj' * P / (wj'*wj); P = P - wj * a; PP = sum(P.*P)'; e = ((P' * d)' .^ 2) ./ (dd * PP'); % PICK VECTOR WITH MOST "ERROR" pick = findLargeColumn(e); W = [W, P(:,pick)]; P(:,pick) = []; PP(pick,:) = []; e(:,pick) = []; used = [used left(pick)]; left(pick) = []; % CALCULATE ACTUAL ERROR w1 = p(:,used)'; a1 = radbas1(dist(w1,p)*b); [w2,b2] = solvelin2(a1,t); a2 = w2*a1 + b2*ones(1,q); MSE = mse(t,a2); % PROGRESS tr(k+1) = MSE; % CHECK ERROR if (MSE < eg), break, end end %End of k loop [S1,R] = size(w1); b1 = ones(S1,1)*b; end %End of function %====================================================== function i = findLargeColumn(m) replace = find(isnan(m)); m(replace) = zeros(size(replace)); m = sum(m .^ 2,1); i = find(m == max(m)); i = i(1); end %====================================================== function [w,b] = solvelin2(p,t) if nargout <= 1 w= t/p; else [pr,pc] = size(p); x = t/[p; ones(1,pc)]; w = x(:,1:pr); b = x(:,pr+1); end end %====================================================== function a = radbas1(n) a = exp(-(n.*n)); end %====================================================== function out=mse(t,y) % function mse(t,y) % These should be dim x numpts % Output is then scalar temp=sum((t-y).^2); out=mean(temp); end %====================================================== function z=dist(w,p) % To be consistent with Matlab's dist function, the first % matrix is transposed with what it ought to be. % Incoming is numpts x dim and dim x numpts p=p'; %This should convert "dist" to "edm" input % EDM starts here; w and p should both be numpts x dim at this point [S,R] = size(w); [Q,R2] = size(p); p=p'; if (R ~= R2), error('Inner matrix dimensions do not match.\n'), end z = zeros(S,Q); if (Q