Links for the Clustering Lab (March 27)
(PDF) Description of the homework (and lab)
Videos working through Exercise 1:
(Video) Exercise 1, K-means example (Matlab)
(Video) Exercise 1, SOM (Matlab)
(Video) Exercise 1, Neural Gas (Matlab)
(Video) Exercise 1, DBSCAN example (Matlab)
Files you might need to download (Data files and scripts from the videos above).
(Matlab data file) HWMar26data.mat (right-click and "Save Link As...")
K-Means clustering files
(Matlab script file) app1KM.m (short for application 1, K-means)
Neural Gas clustering files
(Matlab script file) app1NG.m (short for application 1, Neural Gas)
(Matlab function) NeuralGasNetwork.m (the main function we need)
(Matlab function) PlotResults.m (the helper function to plot our results)
(Matlab data file) obstacle1.mat (the data for the old homework problem in the text
DBSCAN files
(Matlab script file) app1DB.m (short for application 1, DBSCAN)
(Matlab function file) DBSCAN.m (the main function we need)
(Matlab function file) PlotClusterinResult.m (helper function to plot results)