function [xx, ww] = gaussquad(n, a, b) %GAUSSQUAD Gaussian quadrature integration. % % [X, W] = GAUSSQUAD(N, A, B) returns the base points X and weight factors % W for integrating a function from A to B using an N-point Gaussian % quadrature rule which is exact for a polynomial of degree 2*N-1 or % lower. % % [X, W] = GAUSSQUAD(N, C) assumes the interval is from 0 to C. % % [X, W] = GAUSSQUAD(N) assumes the interval is from -1 to 1. % % GAUSSQUAD(...) with no output arguments plots the base points X and the % weight factors W. % This program is based on an anonymous Matlab program found on the % MathWorks FTP server Extended and rewritten % for speed. % % According to the original program, concepts for finding the base points % and weight factors can be found on page 93 of "Methods of Numerical % Integration" by Philip Davis and Philip Rabinowitz. % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2002-03-03 13:49:10 +0100 % E-mail: % URL: % Check number of input arguments. error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin)); % Assign default values to missing arguments. switch nargin case 1 % GAUSSQUAD(N) b = 1; a = -1; case 2 % GAUSSQUAD(N, C) b = a; a = 0; end u = 1:n-1; u = u ./ sqrt(4*u.^2 - 1); % Same as A = diag(u, -1) + diag(u, 1), but faster (no adding). A = zeros( n, n ); A( 2 : n+1 : n*(n-1) ) = u; A( n+1 : n+1 : n^2-1 ) = u; % Find the base points X and weight factors W for the interval [-1,1]. [v, x] = eig(A); [x, k] = sort(diag(x)); w = 2*v(1,k)'.^2; % Linearly transform from [-1,1] to [a,b]. x = (b-a)/2*x + (a+b)/2; % Transform base points X. w = (b-a)/2*w; % Adjust weigths. % Return output arguments or plot data. if nargout xx = x; ww = w; else h = plot(x, zeros(1, n), '.', x, w, '.'); set(h, 'MarkerSize', 12); set(gca, 'XLim', [a b]); title(sprintf('Gaussian Quadrature with %d points', n)); xlabel('Base points'); ylabel('Weight factors'); end