%Script file: HW13B.m load Sunspot11 % Build the training set and the testing set: Label them Htrain, Htest, % Ttrain, Ttest, respectively: % Build the RBF: Save the result as "net". net= % Simulate the network using two sets: First, output the result for all % data, then output the result on the testing set, and plot the result. Yfull= %simulate the network on all data Ytest= %simulate the network on just the testing data % Visualize the results (we're not plotting the years, only the index) % You shouldn't have to change this: plot(1:length(T),T,1:length(T),Yfull,'r-') hold on plot(length(T)+1:300,Ytest,'g*'); hold off %% Comment about what you saw about the widths of the Gaussian: % % % %% Where are the centers? % % % %% Where are the weights? % % %