Voltaire, Candide

A Voltaire Chronology


1694: Birth of Voltaire, his given name is François-Marie Arouet.

1704: Voltaire enters the Jesuit school Louis-le-Grand in Paris.

1713: Voltaire sent to Holland as secretary to the French ambassador.

1715: Death of Louis XIV.

1717: Voltaire is imprisoned in the Bastille for 11 months.

1718: Voltaire's first theatrical success is a tragedy on the Oedipus theme.

1723: He publishes the first edition de La Henriade, an epic poem dealing with the 16th-century Wars of Religion in France and the coming to power of Henry IV.

1726: Beaten by order of the chevalier de Rohan, he is again imprisoned in the Bastille, and then exiled to England.

1728: Voltaire returns to France.

1731: Publication of the History of Charles XII (the Swedish monarch).

1732: Triumph of Zaïre, a tragedy set against the backdrop of the Crusades.

1734: Publication of the Philosophical Letters. Under threat of arrest, Voltaire takes refuge at Cirey, in the Champagne region, at the home of his lover Mme du Châtelet.

1735-1739: In Cirey. Publication of Elements of the philosophy of Newton.

1740: Coronation of Frederick II, King of Prussia. Voltaire meets with Frederick II in Clèves.

1741: War of Austrian Succession.

1745: Louis XV wins the battle of Fontenoy and takes Mme de Pompadour as his mistress. Voltaire named Royal Historiographer.

1746: Election to the French Academy.

1747: Voltaire falls from favor at the court. Publication of the philosophical tale, Zadig.

1748: Frequents the court of Stanislas, father-in-law of Louis XV, in Lorraine. Peace Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.

1749: Death of Mme du Châtelet.

1750: Voltaire moves to Berlin to join the court of Frederick II of Prussia. Rousseau publishes his Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts.

1751: Publication of volume I of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie. Voltaire publishes The Age of Louis XIV.

1753: Voltaire breaks with Frederick II. Louis XV forbids him access to Paris; he stays temporarily in Alsace.

1753: Establishes residence at "Les Délices," outside Geneva. Rousseau publishes his Discourse on the Origins of Inequality.

1756: Voltaire collaborates on the Encyclopédie; d'Alembert (author of the article "Optimism") visits Voltaire at "Les Délices." Beginning of the Seven Years War.

1757: Disastrous defeat of the French army at Rossbach. Persecution of the philosophes: publication of the Encyclopédie is interrupted.

1758: Voltaire buys Ferney, a French château near the Swiss border.

1759: Publication of Candide.

1762: Beginning of the Calas Affair. --Catherine the Great seizes power in Russie. Rousseau publishes The Social Contract and Emile.

1763: End of the Seven Years' War: France loses Canada and possessions in the Caribbean. Voltaire publishes his Treatise on Tolerance.

1764: June: first edition of the Portable Philosophical Dictionary in Geneva.

1765: As a result of Voltaire's activism, Jean Calas is rehabilitated. Voltaire publishes an expanded edition of the Philosophical Dictionary. The final volumes of the Encyclopédie are allowed to appear.

1766: Accused of impiety, the chevalier de La Barre is beheaded. The Philsophical Dictionary is burned with his body.

1767: Publication of the philosophical tale, Ingenuous.

1768: The Princess of Babylon.

1769: New edition of Philosophical Dictionary under the title The Alphabet of Reason.

1770-1772: Publication of Questions on the Encyclopédie, in 9 volumes.

1774: Death of Louis XV. Coronation of Louis XVI.

1778: Voltaire makes a triumphal return to Paris and dies on May 30.