Fall 2010

GENS 245A: Critical and Alternative Voices


Instructor: Jenna Terry


Announcements: Summer is here – enjoy the break!






About this webpage


Once the term has started, you will be able to follow hotlinks (white, bold, and underlined) for course material and related resources.

About GENS 245A

General Studies 245A, or Critical and Alternative Voices, is a one-semester extension of the first-year Encounters program. Calling into question the “dominance” of traditional western world views, the course asks that students examine the historical and ideological roles of “others” and listen to the voices of these “others” in their own contexts. These voices may be geographically “non-western”, or subordinated within western culture by virtue of race, gender, or class. The course will make connections to contemporary issues, and students are encouraged to think critically about their own social location.


GENS 245A meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-2:20, room TBA


Classes begin Tuesday, 31 August – check back then for course information!



About your instructor



Visit Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab.








Jenna Terry * 206 Olin East * 527-5998 * terryj@whitman.edu