Econ 408 - Courses - Professor Belay - Economics

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic data and Financial data

Bureau of Economic Analysis
Summary data on national income and product accounts, balance of payments accounts, and state personal income. More detailed information is available from STAT- USA.

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Time series data on employment, productivity, price indices (CPI and PPI), compensation and working conditions.

Bureau of the Census
Income and poverty statistics, housing and household statistics, statistical abstract of the US, county and city data book. Major statistics on US businesses, farms and governments.

Bureau of Justice Statistics
Statistics on crime and victims, criminal offenders and the justice system.

Current Economic Indicators
Budget of the US Government; Economic Report of the President; Congressional Record; Federal Register; GAO reports

Daily economic, business and trade news. Current and time series data on national income, trade, prices, employment.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Economic and social data on OECD countries.