Patrick Frierson

Books and Papers

This page has links to papers in progress, my published book, and recently published and forthcoming articles. Some of these are only available to those with online access to the journlals in which these articles were published.

Papers and Books in Progress or Under Review

(Comments on these papers are greatly appreciated, but please do not quote them without permission.)

Essays on Kant

Kantian Moral Pessimism (PDF version)

Two Standpoints and the Problem of Moral Anthropology (PDF version); (For HTML version, click here

Kant's Empirical Account of Human Cognition

Entries for forthcoming Kant-Lexikon: Rousseau (long version), Anthropologie in Pragmatischer Hinsicht, Enthusiasmus,Lachen, Hirngespinst, Schwärmerei, Verkehrtheit, Blödsinnigkeit, Hartherzigkeit, Lebensart, Lebenswandel, Leichtgläubigkeit, Liberalität, Langeweile, Über Schwärmerei und die Mittel dagegen

Essays on Smith and/or Environmental Ethics:

Intrinsic Value, Environmental Ethics, and Adam Smith

Smithian Intrinsic Value

Book Projects

I currently have four book projects in process, the first two of which are presently under contract. These prospectuses offered here are very rough, but they will give a sense for where the books are going.

Kant: "Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime" and Other Writings (ed., with Paul Guyer, under contract with CUP)

What is the Human Being?

Kant's Empirical Psychology

Natural Sentiments: Adam Smith and Environmental Ethics

Published and Forthcoming Articles

Essays on Kant:

Empirical Psychology, Common Sense, and Kant's Empirical Markers for Moral Responsibility (Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 29 (2008): 473-82.)

Providence and Divine Mercy in Kant's Ethical Cosmopolitanism (Faith and Philosophy, forthcoming)

Character and Evil in Kant's Moral Anthropology (Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2006): 623-34)

Kant's Empirical Account of Human Action (Philosopher's Imprint, December, 2005)

The Moral Importance of Politeness (Kantian Review, January 2005). If your institution does not subscribe to Ingenta, click here for an unofficial copy of this paper.

Anthropologia, Carattere, e Libertá: La Critica di Schleiermacher a Kant (trans. Sergio Sorrentino, De Cive, December 2000)

Essays on Smith and/or Environmental Ethics

Metastandards in the Ethics of Adam Smith and Aldo Leopold (Environmental Ethics, forthcoming)

Adam Smith and the Possibility of Sympathy with Nature, in Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 87 (2006): 442f. (For an earlier draft version, click here.)

Applying Adam Smith: From Adam Smith to Environmental Virtue Ethics (In New Voices on Adam Smith, ed. Eric Schliesser and Leon Montes, Routledge: 2006)

Other Essays in Modern Philosophy:

Learning to Love: From Egoism to Generosity in Descartes (Journal of the History of Philosophy, July 2002)


Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2003)

Table of Contents


Dean Moyar's Review in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (While you are there, check out my review of Jeanine Grenberg's Kant and the Ethics of Humility)

Unpublished Papers Delivered at Conferences

Kant on Affects and Passions (APA, December 2000)

Anthropology, Character, and Freedom: Schleiermacher's Critique of Kant (Schleiermacher 2000 Conference, April 2000)

From Error to Exhaustion: The Development of the Calculus in Berkeley and MacLaurin (Southeast Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, April 2007)