NOTES: MAA Talk, San Diego, 2002
Set 1: Pages 1-4
Original Clown image + singular values
First four single rank approximations
Rank k approximations
Set 2: Pages 5-8 (Orig)
Sample Eigenface Script
Eigenfaces: Sample Images
Eigenfaces: Mean and Eigenfaces
Eigenfaces: Two-dimensional rep
Set 3: Page 10: Space and Time
NOTE: The movie data and script file will be available shortly...
Space 1: Sample movie images
Space 2: Spatial mean and eigenvectors
Space 3: Temporal eigenvectors
Space 4: 3-d reduction of data
Set 4: The QSVD and MNF
Matlab Script for this example
Example: Max Noise Fraction
A noisy circle, Original Data
The Noisy Circle: PCA Coordinates
The Noisy Circle, Denoised
Set 5: Signal Separation
Matlab script to do this experiment
The Original Mixture of Sound
Sound in PCA basis
(Still mixed)
Sound in Quotient SVD Basis
Other Links and Notes:
A good reference: Kirby, M. and Sirovich, L. "Application of the Karhunen-Loeve procedure for the characterization of human faces", IEEE transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 12, No. 1 (Jan. 1990).
Kirby's book goes into some detail into the "eigenfaces":
Michael Kirby, Geometric Data Analysis, John Wiley and Son, 2001.
Face Recognition Homepage
MIT's Media Lab VISMOD homepage