Crystallography, Biophysics and
Protein Structure
Projects. Our work can be thought of in two broad
1. The physical chemistry
of macromolecular crystals.
2. Structural Biology - Using X-ray diffraction to study
macromolecules of interest
- PcpA - an enzyme with potential for applications in bioremediation - in collaboration with Prof. Tim Machonkin
- MntR - manganese transport regulator - in collaboration with Prof. Arthur
Glasfeld, Reed College
- E. coli beta-galactosidase
- Other projects: We've also worked on the following
molecules, all of which have resisted crystallization:
- Myelin Basic Protein - an
autoantigen involved in multiple sclerosis and an intrinsically
unstructured protein
Funding. Our work is supported by:
- Whitman College, via startup funding, institutional support for
major instrumentation, Abshire and Perry awards for student-faculty
research, and Physics Department funds.
- National Science Foundation
- National Institutes of Health
- Award GM090248 from the NIGMS for studies of cryocooling in macromolecular crystallography.