Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae: Arielle Cooley

Whitman College Biology Dept.
Hall of Science 375
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Telephone: 509-527-4988


Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA (2012-present)
Full professor, 2024-present
Department Chair, 2019-2023
Associate professor, 2018-2024
Paul Garrett Fellow, 2018
Assistant professor, 2012-2018

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (2009-2012)
Ruth Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Patricia J. Wittkopp

Duke University, Durham, NC (2002-2008)
Ph.D. in Biology, concentration in Genetics
Advisor: Dr. John H. Willis

La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica (2001-2002)
Researcher, tropical plant biomechanics
Advisors: Dr. Philip Rundel and Dr. Alexandra Reich (UCLA)

Pomona College, Claremont, CA (1997-2001)
B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Biology and Public Policy Analysis (combined major)
Phi Beta Kappa


*Orr, W.E., *J.Y. Kim, *I.K. Sánchez Márquez, *C.J. Ryan, *T. Raj, *E.K. Hom, *A.E. Person, *A. Vonada, J.A. Stratton, A.M. Cooley (2024). Coding-sequence evolution does not explain divergence in petal anthocyanin pigmentation between Mimulus luteus var. luteus and M. l. variegatus. Evolution & Development 27(1): e12493. doi: 10.1111/ede.12493.

Simmons, E.S.G., A.M. Cooley, J.R. Puzey, G.D. Conradi-Smith. A multi-generational Turing model reproduces transgressive petal phenotypes in hybrid Mimulus (2023). Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85(12): 1-24. doi: 10.1007/s11538-023-01223-7.

Kinser, T.J., R.D. Smith, A.H. Lawrence, A.M. Cooley, M. Vallejo-Marin, G.D. Conradi-Smith, and J.R. Puzey (2021). Mechanisms driving endosperm-based hybrid incompatibilities: insights from hybrid monkeyflowers. The Plant Cell 33(7): 2235-2257.

Cooley, A.M., S. Schmitz, *E. J. Cabrera, *M. Cutter, *M. Sheffield, *I. Gingerich, *G. Thomas, *C. N. M. Lincoln , *V. H. Moore, *A. E. Moore, *S. A. Davidson , *N. Lonberg, *E. B. Fournier, *S. Love, *G. Posch, *M. B. Bihrle, *S. D. Mayer, *K. Om, *L. Wilson, *C. Q. Doe, *C. E. Vincent , *E. R. T. Wong, *I. Wall, *J. Wicks, *S. Roberts (2021). Melanic pigmentation and light preference within and between two Drosophila species. Ecology & Evolution 12 August 2021.

*Zheng, X., *K. Om, K. Stanton, D. Thomas, *P. Cheng, *A. Eggert, E. Simmons, Y.-W. Yuan, G. Conradi Smith, J.R. Puzey, A.M. Cooley (2021). The regulatory network for petal anthocyanin pigmentation is shaped by the MYB5a/NEGAN transcription factor in Mimulus.  Genetics 217(2): iyaa036.

Sramkoski, L.L., *W.N. McLaughlin, A.M. Cooley, D.C. Yuan, A. John, P.J. Wittkopp (2020). Genetic architecture of a body color cline in Drosophila americana. Molecular Ecology 29(15): 2840-2854.

Rundel, P.W. A.M. Cooley, K.L. Gerst, E.C. Riordan, M.R. Sharifi, J.W. Sun, and J.A. Tower (2020). Functional traits of broad-leaved monocot herbs in the understory and forest edges of a Costa Rican rainforest. PeerJ 8: e9958.

Lowry, D., J. M. Sobel, A. L. Angert, T-L. Ashman, R. L. Baker, B. K. Blackman, Y. Brandvain, K. J.R.P. Byers, A. M. Cooley, J. M. Coughlan, M. R. Dudash, C. B. Fenster, K. G. Ferris, L. Fishman, J. Friedman, D. L. Grossenbacher, L. M. Holeski, C. T. Ivey, K. M. Kay, V. A. Koelling, N. J. Kooyers, C. J. Murren, C. D. Muir, T. C Nelson, M. L. Peterson, J. R. Puzey, M. C. Rotter, J. R. Seemann, J. P. Sexton, S. N. Sheth, M. A. Streisfeld, A. L. Sweigart, A. D. Twyford, M. Vallejo-Marín, J. H. Willis, C. A. Wu, Y-W. Yuan (2019). The case for the continued use of the genus name Mimulus for all monkeyflowers. Taxon 68: 617-623. Opinion piece, not peer-reviewed.

Edger, P.P., R.D. Smith, M.R. McKain, A.M. Cooley, M. Vallejo-Marin, Y. Yuan, A.J. Bewick, L. Ji, A.E. Platts, M.J. Bowman, K.L. Childs, R.J. Schmitz, G.D. Smith, J.C. Pires, and J.R. Puzey (2017). Sub-genome dominance in an interspecific hybrid, synthetic allopolyploid, and a 140 year old naturally established neo-allopolyploid monkeyflower. The Plant Cell 29: 2150-2167.

Stanton, K., P.P. Edger, J.R. Puzey, T. Kinser, *P. Cheng, D.M. Vernon, N.R. Forsthoefel, and A.M. Cooley (2017). A whole transcriptome approach to evaluating reference genes for quantitative gene expression studies: A case study in Mimulus. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7(4): 1085-1095.

Stanton, K., *C.M. Valentin, *M.E. Wijnen, *S. Stutsman, *J.J. Palacios, and A.M. Cooley (2016). Absence of post-mating barriers between a selfing vs. outcrossing Chilean Mimulus (Phrymaceae) species pair. American Journal of Botany, 103(6): 1030-1040.

John, A.V., L.L. Sramkoski, E. Walker, A.M. Cooley, and P.J. Wittkopp (2016). Sensitivity of allelic divergence to genomic position: Lessons from the Drosophila tan gene. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 6(9): 2955-2962.

Vallejo-Marin, M., A.M. Cooley, *M.L.Y. Qi, *M. Folmer, M.R. Mckain, and J.R. Puzey (2016). Strongly asymmetric hybridization barriers shape the origin of a new polyploid species and its hybrid ancestor. American Journal of Botany, 103(7): 1272-1288. 10.1101/030932

Vallejo-Marin, M., R.J.A. Buggs, A.M. Cooley, and J.R. Puzey (2015). Speciation by genome duplication: Repeated origins and genomic composition of the recently formed allopolyploid species Mimulus peregrinus. Evolution 69(6): 1487-1500.

Cooley, A.M., *L. Shefner, *W.N. Mclaughlin, *E.E. Stewart, and P.J. Wittkopp (2012). The ontogeny of color: developmental origins of divergent pigmentation in Drosophila americana and D. novamexicana. Evolution & Development 14(4): 317-325. Featured cover article.

Cooley, A.M., J.L. Modliszewski, *M.L. Rommel, and J.H. Willis (2011). Gene duplication in Mimulus underlies parallel floral evolution via independent trans-regulatory changes. Current Biology 21(8): 700-704. Featured cover article.

Wittkopp, P.J., G. Smith-Winberry, L.L. Arnold, *E.M. Thompson, A.M. Cooley, D.C. Yuan, Q. Song, and B.F. McAllister (2011). Local adaptation for body color in Drosophila americana. Heredity 106(4): 592-602.

Cooley, A.M., and J.H. Willis (2009). Genetic divergence causes parallel evolution of flower color in Chilean Mimulus. New Phytologist 183(3): 729-739. Special Issue: “Plant Adaptation: Following in Darwin’s Footsteps”.

Cooley, A.M., G. Carvallo, and J.H. Willis (2008). Is floral diversification associated with pollinator divergence? Flower shape, flower colour, and pollinator preference in Chilean Mimulus. Annals of Botany 101(5): 641-650. Featured cover article.

Wu, C. A., D. B. Lowry, A. M. Cooley, K. M. Wright, Y.-W. Lee, J. H. Willis (2007). Mimulus is an emerging model system for the integration of ecological and genomic studies. Heredity 100(2): 220-230.

Cooley, A. M., A. Reich, and P. Rundel (2004). Leaf support biomechanics of neotropical understory herbs. American Journal of Botany 91(4): 573-581.

*Undergraduate co-authors

Research Grants

National Science Foundation Award #2031272 (2021-2024)
National Science Foundation Award #1754075 (2018-2022)
National Science Foundation Award #1655311 (2017-2022)
Murdock College Research Program Renewal (2017-2019)
MicroMORPH Cross-Disciplinary Training Grant (2017)
American Philosophical Society, Franklin Research Grant (2016-2017)
Murdock College Research Program for Life Sciences (2015-2017)
National Institutes of Health Ruth Kirschstein Award 1 F32 GM087928-01 (2009-2012)
National Science Foundation Predoctoral Award 338-0098 (2002-2006)
James B. Duke Fellowship (2002-2006)
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (2005)
Duke Graduate School International Research Travel Award (2003, 2004, 2005)
Duke University Latin American Studies Travel Award (2004)
Duke University Program in Ecology Fellowship (2003-2004)
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (2000)

Courses Taught at Whitman

Biology senior thesis and seminar
Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology senior thesis and seminar
Evolution & Development
Evolution & Development Lab
Evolution Seminar (for nonmajors)
First Year Seminar: Exploring Complex Questions
Plant Physiology
Plant Physiology Lab

Undergraduate researchers and their next steps

2022-2023: Micaiah Newman

2021-2022: Leah Samuels (research intern, Morton Arboretum), Kei Kim (considering grad school in genetics), Ella Schochatovitz (interested in research positions), Jackie Jones (clinical research coordinator, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

2020-2021: Jarred Wicks (Lipscomb University, M.S. in Sustainability), Stephon Roberts (STEM special educator, Uncommon Schools), Ilona Wall (interested in biomedical graduate programs), Leah Samuels

2019-2020: Andreas Guerrero (taught English in France, then research at Valent Biosciences), Bella Rivera, Chantalle Vincent (University of Michigan, School for the Environment and Sustainability), Ellen Hom (CDC post-bacc research fellow in biology), Joshua Shin, Maddy Boyle, Sophie Love (pursuing a career in ecology), Walker Orr (applying to graduate school in plant biology)

2018-2019: Andreas Guerrero, Bella Rivera, Ashley Person (taught science in Mozambique, then NIH post-bacc), Jonah Rodewald (Adaptive Biotechnologies), Melia Matthews (Cornell Biomedical and Biological Sciences Ph.D. program)

2017-2018: Johanna Au (nursing school), Jessie Friedman (nursing school), Erin Minus (applying to teach in Japan), Kuenzang Om (Washington State U. lab tech), Taylor Wilke (Adaptive Biotechnologies)

2016-2017: Rachel Eguia (University of Washington PREP Scholar), Kevin Miller (elementary and middle school education), Anne Vonada (Oregon Health and Sciences University lab technician), Aaron Williams (store manager).

2015-2016: Jessica Palacios (internship with Milkweed Publishing), Jeremy Nolan (Fulbright scholar), Allison Eggert (interested in graduate school in radiation therapy).

2014-2015: Marijke Wijnen (graduate school in Psychology), Philip Cheng (Wake Forest School of Medicine).

2013-2014: Janae Edelson (Doctorate of Pharmacy at Oregon State University ), Leah Mohtes-Chan (Doctorate in physical therapy, Eastern Washington University), Celine Valentin (Master's in exercise physiology, Montana State University).

2012-2013: Sage Stutsman (Master's in teaching at Seattle Pacific University).

2011-2012: Wesley McLaughlin (completed medical school at Rosalind Franklin University).

2008-2009: Megan Rommel (now a forensic scientist specializing in DNA evidence).


2022: Winner of Whitman's G. Thomas Edwards Award for Excellence in the Integration of Teaching and Scholarship.

2017: Recipient of Whitman's Paul Garrett Fellowship for excellence in research, teaching, and service, awarded by Whitman College Dean of Faculty.

2016: Whitman College nominee for the “Lynwood Swanson Promise for Scientific Research” competition funded by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust.