Same book as last semester. There
are a couple of different versions of the 9th edition (see below).
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
by William Boyce and Richard DiPrima (9th Edition)
TEXT NOTE: This is NOT the current version,
which is the 12th edition. There are a couple of different versions
of the text; here are the links to for the information:
Video lectures from a past semester (Optional- This is here primarily for a backup in case you want to
see what we did in class again. You shouldn't rely on this however since it
is from a past semester.
Take Home Quiz 1: Turn in the solutions to the following problems from the Practice Problems handout. \#1 in Partial Fractions, \#1 in Integration by Parts, \#1(a,b), 2(a,b), 3(c,d), 4(c,d), 5 from the section
on algebra. Write your solutions up NEATLY and upload them to Canvas.
Due: Monday Sep 4th at 11:59PM.
We're going through a ``simplified'' version of Chapter 7 and 9 in the time remaining.
If you have had linear algebra, you might go to the text to read about the general theory- In class,
we're going to restrict ourselves to the plane (two dimensional systems).
Notes to Replace 7.1 (Mostly done Friday before break)